
Wild Hives

Photographs by Gary Hall

“The bees unfold unconscious wisdom in their external activity. What we only experience when love arises in our hearts is to be found in the whole bee-hive as substance. The whole hive is in reality permeated with love. One only begins to understand the life of the bees when one knows that the bee lives in an atmosphere completely pervaded by love.”           -Rudolf Steiner

Wild Hive #1

Painted canvas dipped in beeswax, bee pollen, papyrus text and poplar branch 

Wild Hives – Black Queens

Bessie Smith, Katherine Dunham, Sweet Hymns, Pearl Primus, Eartha Kitt, Nina Simone, Unknown
Painted muslin dipped in beeswax, photographs, branches

Descansos* for the Bees

*A Descanso is a Spanish word meaning rest or resting place. This word today is used to describe the memorial marker found along most high ways in the US. A Descanso is usually erected at the site of tragic accident in which someone’s life was cut short.  These Descansos are a series of resting places created to commemorate the tragic accidents of the losses of our honeybees.

Photographed by Eryn Talevich

My immense gratitude to the beekeepers and bee lovers who contributed from their hives and their land to this installation and are part of the hive of remembering.

Joan and Carl Chesick
Karen Hansen
Lorie Loeb
Linda O’Toole
Debra Roberts
Sister J SpiritVoice
Lisa Swansbrough